Products and Services

Compassionate Carbon (CC) designs and implements landscape restoration solutions to increase community well-being through nature-based solutions and partnerships with our clients.

Implementation Solutions for Carbon Developers and Reforestation Efforts

For carbon developers looking to invest in organizations with experience in successfully implementing carbon projects.

Voluntary Carbon Offsets

For either corporations or investors looking for high-quality Nation-Based Solution carbon offsets.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)

For governments looking for support to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions through an implementation partner.

Implementation Solutions for Carbon Developers and Reforestation Efforts

CC has 18 years of experience implementing large-scale landscape restoration and conservation projects in various countries around the world through Eden Reforestation Projects.

If you are a carbon developer looking for support with on-the-ground implementation, CC has the tools and systems to bring your project to life. CC’s team of carbon experts ensures that the project is implemented per your project description to the highest quality. If you also need Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) support, CC’s team can provide this as well to ensure that you receive the offsets during your verification events.

CC will work closely with you once you have completed a Feasibility Study or Project Description so the project will generate offsets during verification events.

Voluntary Carbon Credits

CC develops and implements large-scale, high-quality nature-based solutions that produce carbon credits. These credits may be used or traded globally to meet internal targets, global emission reduction targets, or obligations for industry-specific compliance.

Each CC project starts with an in-depth study of the drivers of deforestation to create a comprehensive Theory of Change that ensures the landscape will be restored and protected well beyond the project’s life. CC regularly tracks the progress and impacts on communities, biodiversity, and carbon stocks of the projects. All CC projects will be validated by a globally recognized Standard (e.g., Verra, Gold Standard, Plan Vivo, etc.), and all credits will have a CCB tag.

Verified Carbon projects are ideal for clients who are motivated by internal values, some aspect of environmental and social governance (ESG), voluntary commitments, and those desiring independently verified carbon impact claims to meet company goals, with the distinction that verified carbon projects produce a fungible, tradeable asset for the company.

Nationally Determined Commitments (NDCs)

According to the United Nations, 191 Parties have ratified the Paris Agreement. The Agreement includes commitments from all countries to reduce their emissions, work together to adapt to the impacts of climate change, and strengthen their commitments over time.

CC works with sovereign states to provide nature-based solutions through restoration for meeting governments’ global emissions targets, also referred to as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Each nation has multiple pathways to meet these targets, and restoration is one of them. Additionally, the Paris Agreement has created a path for nations with low emissions but high mitigation potential to trade a form of credit directly between each other (instead of trading on the carbon market) through an arrangement referred to as ITMOs (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes).

Join CC in supporting community resilience and well-being through nature-based solutions.
Contact us to find out how you can partner with CC.